Thursday, September 15, 2011

Deployment Eve

Oh happy day. It's deployment eve! That can only mean one thing. Tomorrow is Deployment Day. That was my pathetic attempt to build it up as if it's an exciting holiday. It isn't. And it didn't work. So I'll just move on...

Today was our last day together as a family until Matt comes home next year. I have a terrible memory, so I want to make sure I have an account of how we spent our day together. It was wonderful. And sad. Bittersweet in a way I haven't experience before. I loved today and hated it all at once. I laughed a lot. And I cried a lot. And I want the day to be over. And I don't want it to ever end. Make sense? After getting up, Matt gave Natalie and Colton a bath. Then we headed out. First we dropped off our recycling. Then we headed on post for a playgroup. The kids had a great time and Matt and I played a little basketball while they kids were playing happily (the playgroup was in a gym). Afterwards, we headed to the dental clinic for Matt to say goodbye to his coworkers and to officially sign out of the clinic. Then we headed to Walmart to pick up a few last minute items for him. By then, it was lunchtime. We came home and fed the kids lunch and put them all down for naps. While they napped, Matt and I finished packing all his things. When they woke up, Matt gave Addy a bath and then we sat them down and reminded them that Daddy would be leaving in the morning. Then, we have them their Daddy Dolls, which were a HUGE hit. They all love them. They're dolls that have a picture of Matt on the front and he recorded a personal message inside each one that they can hear anytime they want. Then he showed them the recorder where he has recorded 4o books aloud. Each night he's gone, they can still have Daddy read their bedtime story. They were so happy to know that! We played outside for a little while after that and then decided to head to Chick Fil A for dinner. The kids played in the play area, ate some chicken nuggets, and a good time was had by all. We headed home and Matt was kind of enough to gas up my van for me. When we got home, we got the kids in their jammies and Matt read them stories on the couch while they held their Daddy Dolls. Now he's laying in bed with Natalie (Colton is next) putting them to bed and spending some individual time with the older two one last time. Phew!

I feel SO lonely already and he hasn't even left yet. This is an absolutely awful feeling. Lord help me.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I feel your pain! I have lived through many "deployment eves" and they are hard. You will do a great job while Matt is away. We will be praying for your family tomorrow and in the weeks to come.