Thursday, February 9, 2012

We're moving...across the country.

I've hesitated to share this news for the past few weeks because we don't have official orders from the Army yet, looks as though it's just a matter of time. Do you remember me mentioning a while back that Matt was accepted into a residency program for Endodontics within the Army? Do you also remember when I said he would start in the summer of 2013? Well, someone who is supposed to be starting THIS summer has apparently dropped out of the program. For some reason, Matt was chosen to fill that person's spot. So, he's starting the Endo residency one year earlier than we thought. What does all this mean? Well, I'm glad you asked. It means that Matt will be home in the Spring and we will move 1,000 miles away about 4 (ish) weeks later.

After a few initial *hiccups* with our adoption agency (we're moving to a state our agency doens't work in), they have agreed that us moving isn't a deal breaker as far as adopting Easton goes. Hooray! Afterall, we ARE in the military. Moving kind of comes with the territory. Once we move, we will just have to have a new homestudy done, more background checks, and let US immigration know that we've relocated. I don't mind the extra legwork one bit as long as we still get to bring home our sweet little guy. :-)

That's all for now folks. Sorry this post had no pictures. If you're in the mood for some, please see my last post for two pictures that are PRICELESS.

1 comment:

Brinn said...

congrats to you! your little boy is absolutely adorable :)