Thursday, February 16, 2012

Speaking of snow...

Interestingly, Matt has gotten a lot more snow in Afghanistan this winter than we have here. Before Matt was deployed, I thought of Afghanistan as a hot, desert climate. Ah, ignorance. Anyhow, it's been a cold winter there with plenty of snow and ice. Have I ever told you about the time a month or so ago when Matt had the flu and went out to test the outdoor track for ice (for an upcoming PT test) and slipped and fell on the ice? He thought maybe he had broken his hip and just laid there on the ground to see if the pain would subside. Now, I may be coldhearted, but the thought of my twenty something husband, flu ridden, laying on a track covered with ice and moaning due to a potential broken hip just For the record, his hip was fine. And he got over the flu shortly after that. I digress...

As I was saying, he's had plenty of snow over there. You know what else he and his comrades have a lot of? Free time. So, they've been able to develop their snow sculpting skills quite a bit when they're not working. Case in point:the snow jeep. It even has windhsield wipers. And a hot soldier in the backseat with a 9 MM in each hand. Love you babe! Watch out for ice.

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